Posts tagged #Robventures
Cecilia Blomdahl || Do I Know The Svalbard TikTok Lady?

Cecilia Blondahl is the Queen of social media on Svalbard. Most people, myself included, first learned about Svalbard through her various social medias; TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. A lot of people ask me if I know her, or if I have ever met her. Here is the answer.

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The Nightmare Before It Was Beautiful

Later this year in December, my book “My Beautiful Nightmare: From the Bottom of Prison, to the Top of the World” will be published. It will be my first book and it’s a memoir of my life so far. People have said that I look too young to have a memoir being published, but let me tell you, my life has been crazy. I am so very blessed to be on the other side of it now, but before it was beautiful, it was most definitely a nightmare…

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